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View The District 28 PTO Calendar



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since 06/14/2017

Saturday May 7th at 8 am

Northbrook Junior High School | 1475 Maple Avenue | Northbrook

The HOH5K race is organized by the Northbrook District 28 PTO Council. All proceeds will benefit the Homer O. Harvey Scholarship Fund.

Awards for the overall male & female 5K winners
Age Groups, Top male and female finishers of the following categories: 5 and under, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-60, 60 & over.
Each school in District 28 will also have a separate grade level winning boy and girl. 

Kids' Fun Run Course: 
The Kids' Fun Run Course kicks off at 9 a.m. in the field west of NBJH. All children ages 6 and under are invited to participate.

Packet Pick up is Friday, May 6th at the District Office from 12 to 6 pm.


 In 2019, more that 460 participants registered for the 2019 HOH 5K and the race raised over $10,000 for college scholarships for Northbrook Junior High alumni who were chosen for their scholarship and citizenship.

Contact the HOH5K Race Chair:
Cari Raymond cari@bardesinteriors.com


About the Homer O. Harvey Scholarship Fund

The Homer O. Harvey scholarship fund was established in 1989.  Scholarships are awarded to outstanding high school students who are graduates of District 28.

Dr. Homer O. Harvey was the superintendent of District 28 and dedicated his professional career to providing high standards of excellence and learning for our children. His family continues to be involved with the scholarship selection committee. 

As of June 2019, 354 graduates have received $318,500 in scholarships. 

Glenbrook North seniors receiving scholarships at the May 2019 Scholarship and Awards Ceremony were Nora Smith, Gemma Abbott, Madeline Bayzee, Ilana Silver, Madeline Guest, Ryan Cohen, Ellen Gilbert, and John Karteczka. Brendan Harvey, Homer's grandson, was there to give out the scholarships.